You can access thousands of your preferred books online with Wi-Fi through a hand-held E-reader tool, Kindle. Occasionally, your device may not connect to Wi-Fi due to software glitches or authentication problems. In addition, hardware faults may also prevent you from browsing any online content. We have compiled simple solutions to help you resolve Kindle Wi-Fi connection Failure issues. Read through this blog and select the appropriate troubleshooting method.
Tips for the Kindle Not Connecting to the Wi-Fi
There are lots of reasons why an Amazon Kindle won't connect to Wi-Fi. These may range from router problems to misconfigured networks.
Below you will find detailed solutions for fixing Kindle Wi-Fi issues.
However, the best thing to do is to cover all the main points.
Turn Off Airplane Mode Before Continuing
Occasionally, you may read your kindle with airplane mode on negligently, leading to WiFi connectivity issues. Therefore, check your airplane settings before diving into other methods to fix the problem.
Do a Network Check At Home
Connecting another device to the Wi-Fi network ensures that your internet operates properly. Try restarting the internet if you experience an issue with connectivity on multiple devices.
Update your Kindle version
Before you resort to other methods, ensure that you have installed a newer software version on your Kindle.
Error Fixes for the Kindle Wi-Fi Connection Failure:
Kindle: Restart it
Power cycling is the first step you need to take.
- Press the power button for a while until a dialogue box appears or the power light fades away with the screen going blank.
- When a dialogue box appears asking if you want to reboot your kindle, click "Restart".
- Once the restarting process is complete, connect your kindle to WiFi again and see if the issue persists.
Kindle: Update The Software Manually
Sync your Kindle drive with your computer and download all the downloaded ebooks.
- After the transferring step, tap the Menu button and select Settings to opt for Update Your Kindle.
- Then, to implement the changes, tap OK.
- It may take a few minutes for the update to complete, so please don't use the kindle during this time.
Kindle: Reset the Home Network
When you reset the router on your Kindle, it only takes a few seconds to clear up the DHCP records from the internet. Further, power on the router again.
- Firstly, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet and turn off your modem and WiFi router.
- Next, put your kindle on hold for a while.
- Subsequently, connect the power cord and turn it on again.
- When all the router's LED indicators stop blinking, try to connect your kindle.
Kindle: Factory Reset
Before resetting your kindle to factory default, back up your essential files, since it will wipe them all off.
- Select Settings from the home screen.
- In the Menu, select Reset Device.
- If a pop-up warning window appears, tap Yes to confirm.
While the process takes a few minutes, make sure that the battery has sufficient power remaining. You can download all your resources from the database by using your Amazon account.